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Westminster track and cross country break 5 school records at Idaho competition

Aiden Urban, 5th year student, master in community leadership competed at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho Feb 11. Urban said this is one of several school records he is part of. Photo courtesy of Josii Johnson. Image description: A man runs on a red and black striped floor with other competitors behind him in the distance.

The Westminster College cross country track and field team broke five school program records between Feb. 11 and Feb. 12 at their meet in Pocatello, Idaho at Idaho State University, according to the Westminster College Athletics page.  The five program records were set by:

  • Saydi Anderson, first in the 5000-meter run with a time of 17:08.45 
  • Katie Brotherson, second, prelims in the 400-meter run with a time of 58.85 
  • Brock Lloyd, third in the 60m hurdles with a time of 8.58
  • Josii Johnson, first in the 800-meter run with a time of 2:11:84
  • Aiden Urban, first in the 400-meter run with a time of 49.44

Saydi Anderson, a junior English and Spanish major who runs cross country and indoor and outdoor track, said the competition was an important race for her team. 

“I’m from Idaho and it was the first time a lot of my family watched me run,” Anderson said. “They surrounded the track and on every corner someone was yelling.” 

Saydi Anderson, a junior English and Spanish major and Courtney McAlindon competed at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho on Feb 11. Anderson said anything worth doing isn’t always easy and that she feels lucky to have great teammates and training partners. Photo courtesy of Josii Johnson. Image description: Two women run on a black and red striped floor with both of their feet in the air.

Anderson said it was a special race for the rest of her team because of the number of records broken that day. 

Anderson said she felt like part of the reason she was able to accomplish these running times was the accountability she received during the race. 

“Every 200 meters my coach told me my time, so 25 times in the race I was told my time and if I was off pace or on pace,” Anderson said. 

Aiden Urban, one of the program record holders and a fifth-year student getting his masters in community leadership, said this race was important to him because he is coming back in his fifth year and showing he can still run good times.

“[This is a] big record to me because it’s one I didn’t get for four years,” Urban said. “But I was happy because I was able to improve [my time] and by setting faster times it sets higher goals for the future people coming in.”

Jossi Johnson, a junior custom photography and electronic media major, competed at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho Feb 11. Johnson said she didn’t intend on breaking the record again, but if she wanted to qualify for nationals she knew she would have to come close. Photo courtesy of Aiden Urban. Image description: a women is running with other competitors behind her in the distance.

Josii Johnson, a junior custom photography and electronic media major who broke the 800-meter program record she originally set last year, said she felt her team came together and supported each other extremely well this season which helped her perform her best too. 

“I feel like [this competition] was exciting because it was the first time this season that I had done what I felt like I could do,” Johnson said. 

Johnson said her team members were collectively running really well at this competition and sharing that feeling with a team is really special.


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Rylee Brown(she/hers) is a senior Communication major with a minor in Spanish. She is a reporter and the Business and Advertising Manger for the Forum. In her free time she also works as a social media manager for local business, loves to spend time with her siblings, playing board games with her fiancee, and traveling whenever she can.

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