Chris Ledyard, a junior undeclared major, said he and other students spent their afternoon signing up for clubs at the Clubs and Organizations Fair in Richer Commons on Aug. 31, during Community Time.
“I love communities, I love people,” Ledyard said.
Community Time are slots set aside on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 1:15 p.m. to hold events that bring together the entire campus community, according to the Westminster University campus calendar webpage. During these hours, limited classes will be held, and staff and faculty are encouraged to avoid scheduling meetings, according to the webpage.
A previous Forum story covered the announcement of Community Time – then dubbed “Community Hour” – and reported on students’ and faculty initial optimistic views.

A member of InterVaristy Christian Fellowship club speaks to Westminster University students at the Clubs and Organizations Fair during Community Time in Richer Commons on Aug. 31. Jesse Bennell, a senior marketing major, said he can appreciate the positive intention of Community Time trying to bring people together despite the schedule adjustments. Photo courtesy of Cole Kadoguchi. Image description: Seven people stand outside in Richer Commons. Tables are set up promoting different clubs. Trees with green leaves fill the background.
With the implementation of Community Time for the 2023-24 school year, some students said they are appreciative of the latest change, and some a little concerned about how it would affect their schedules, according to senior marketing major Jesse Bennell.
“I’m used to having a schedule where I can get done around 1:15 p.m.,” Bennell said. “I have to pay for my own college tuition, I have groceries, I have rent to pay, so usually I would be working from around 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.”
Bennell said he can appreciate the positive intention of Community Time trying to bring people together despite the schedule adjustments.
Kristine Reddington, a 2015 Weber State alum and member of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship club, said, “I’m super appreciative of Community Time. Westminster has a lot of potential but people don’t always tap into it and actually make community, so I’m excited for the opportunity to bring together the community.”