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The Coffee Shop replaces Griff’s Roost amidst Westminster University, Sodexo partnership

Westminster University now offers espresso, chai and frappe drinks in Bassis Student Center where Griff’s Roost used to occupy, over a week after the Fall semester commenced.

Dubbed “Coffee Shop” by signage, barista Brandon Downey said it will operate from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sodexo is now the dining services partner for Westminster following the end of Bon Appétit’s contract, according to the Westminster Campus Dining webpage.

“[Thursday] and today, we’ve just been setting everything up,” Downey said. “We haven’t really made the announcement that we’re open, but we are. Monday is the real open.”

Brandon Downey, a barista at the Coffee Shop, pulls a shot of espresso in Bassis Student Center Sept. 1. Sodexo is trying to hire experienced baristas this year, according to Downey. Photo courtesy of Zidia Gibson. Image description: A person, wearing a purple Westminster shirt and bandana, pulls a shot of espresso inside Bassis Student Center at the Coffee Shop.

Downey said he has previous barista and bartending experience, and wants to make one change to the menu in particular.

“Our chai right now is a powdered concentrate, but I want to get a liquid chai concentrate in. I’ve worked with that before, there’s a local company that makes it that’s really good, [so] I’m hoping we can get them in,” Downey said. “Our sign board [also] doesn’t have the 20 ounces [option and price] up right now – definitely need to have that up.”

Downey said Sodexo is trying to hire experienced baristas this year. 

“From what I heard last year… the coffee wasn’t coming out super great,” Downey said. “So, we’re really trying to dial it in and make sure that we’re making really good coffee for people this year.”


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Zidia Gibson is a senior communication major with a love for telling stories. She writes for The Honorable Mention in addition to being the layout editor for the publication. She loves petting any cat she sees, hiking the valley and rock climbing with friends, playing video games, and visiting local coffee shops every other day.

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