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Sex educators combine comedy, women’s empowerment at “I Love Female Orgasm” Taboo Talk

  • Ocean Candler, Students for Reproductive Freedom (SURF) president, at the Taboo Talk held in the Gore Auditorium on Jan. 31. SURF partnered with the Dumke Center for Civic Engagement Center, Womxn Coordinator and ASW events to bring the “I Love Female Orgasm” program to campus. (Photo by Sean Cole)

Over 100 students packed into the Gore Auditorium on Thursday, to learn more about a topic that isn’t commonly discussed in Utah: the female orgasm.

Attendees of all genders and information levels were welcome at the “I love Female Orgasm” Taboo Talk lead by sex educators Lindsay Fram and Marshall Miller. As presenters from the national organization Sex Discussed Here!, Fram and Miller used comedy to talk about the female orgasm.

Some students seemed eager and excited for the presentation, while a few looked as if they were questioning why they had decided to attend.

Kenzie Campbell, ASW events president, said she invited Fram and Miller to campus after learning about them at a conference she had previously attended. She said she liked that they their act was inclusive to non-heteronormative identities.

“Inclusivity has always been extremely important to us,” Miller said about the program. “Language and how people think about gender is constantly expanding and getting updated and as a result, the program keeps evolving.”

The presentation also included many pop culture references, such as a clip from the Netflix show, Big Mouth, to illustrate one of their orgasm tips, ‘befriend your vulva.’

Westminster College students at the “I Love Female Orgasm” Taboo Talk in Gore Auditorium on July. 31. Sex educators Lindsay Fram and Marshall Miller from the national organization 
Sex Discussed Here! used comedy to talk about the female orgasm. (Photo by Sean Cole)

During the evening, Fram and Miller discussed multiple factors that contributed to the female orgasm including the need for safety and comfortability, communication, clitoral stimulation, trust and even socks.

“Learning about sex is something good and healthy,” Miller said. “There is no reason not to learn right away.”

After the event, students discussed what they learned from the talk and their overall impressions.

“The main thing I learned was that there’s so many different types of body parts and [ways of] achieving an orgasm and [types of] stimulation,” Autumn Satterlee, a first-year sociology major. “I didn’t really know what I was going to get into.”

While Satterlee didn’t know what she was getting into, Carson Bold, a senior pre-med biology major, said that he had a good foundation of sexual education because he grew up in California. He said he did learn more about the G-Spot from the event.

Jordan McFeely, a first-year political science major, said she wasn’t planning on attending the event. Instead, she said her and her friend were going to go to the Latinx movie night but posters drew them to the Taboo Talk.

“If [I Love Female Orgasms] ever happens again, you need to come,” McFeely said. “You learn a lot about yourself.”

Fram’s final thought and what she hoped students took away from the event was that female orgasms are “something we can talk about.”

“We can talk about it openly and honestly,” Fram said. “It is our right as human beings to be able to express ourselves as sexual beings and experience it.”


*Earlier version of the story incorrectly named the event in the photo caption. The event was “I love Female Orgasm.”

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Sean is a 22-year-old senior communication major at Westminster College. If he’s not spending his time taking photos and making videos, Sean’s likely getting caught up daydreaming about comic books and superheroes. Sean also enjoys writing, music and dancing enthusiastically in public.

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