The Dumke Center for Civic Engagement, Nursing Honors Society and ASW Events collaborated to form the 2019 Warm Winter Clothing Drive.
Over the past years, each of these groups has hosted a clothing drive or some sort of donation for people who are facing homelessness in Salt Lake County. The Dumke Center hosted Holiday Helper before. This year it’s the Warm Winter Clothing Drive as the Dumke Center partnered with Nursing Honors Society and ASW Events.
“The Dumke Center has always done a holiday drive and when the nursing students go to the men’s homeless shelter to serve dinner we also got to sort clothes,” said Holly Howe, a student nurse. “So the timing was good, and we thought if we involved more communities on campus, it might cause a bigger impact on the number of clothes we collect.”
Volunteers of the drive accept new and old items for donations that will be given to multiple homeless centers around Salt Lake County. The centers are accepting new hats, underwear and socks as well as used clothes, coats, gloves, and more.

“We are here, this drive is happening,” said Alexys Smith, communication coordinator and civic connections coordinator for the Dumke Center. “The clothing items are going to all different homeless shelters so it is not just men’s and women’s, it is men’s, women’s and children’s that we are collecting clothes for.”
To donate, people can stop in the Health, Wellness and Athletic Center, Bassis Student Center or Shaw Student Center to pick up a tag that has the item and if it’s used or new. People can take the tag home and return the items to any of the departments before December 12, 2019.
“You take the tag, go home and bring back that item,” said Smith. “Or let’s say that you don’t know what you have, and you ran into us because we were tabling and you want to bring something, you can bring it to one of our locations and we will collect it.”
This drive will help those around the community that are in need of warmer clothing during the winter months.