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News about the Loo posters effective way to reach students, Career Center staff says

Career News in the Loo fliers hung next to a Dear John newsletter in the Dick Science Building on Feb. 13. Career News in the Loo is a weekly publication from the Career Center hung up every Friday to inform students about job offerings on and off campus. (Photo by Raffael Breu)

It’s Friday morning, and as Westminster College’s campus slowly fills up with students, faculty and staff, somebody is visiting every bathroom on campus to exchange 190 yellow “Career News in the Loo” posters.

“Career News in the Loo” is a flyer posted in every bathroom across campus. The fliers are composed by the Career Center, to inform students about job offerings on and off campus as well as to highlight a Westminster employee, said Alexis Maybe, a Career Center office assistant who is responsible for composing and printing new posters every Thursday.

Maybe said the Career News posters are one of several channels the Career Center uses to interact with students in addition to email and the handshake program.

The Career Center works together with the Dean of Students Office, who create the “Dear John” posters, to distribute the publications evenly.

“Not that our campus is big by any means, but just to go around to every bathroom take down the old ones put up the new ones is hard,” Maybe said. “There are so many bathrooms here. […] Molly is the one, who posts ours and she posts them in the women’s restrooms and then CJ, from the Dean’s office, he posts our news in the loo in the men’s bathrooms.”

Joel Carpenter, a biology major at Westminster, said he appreciates the effort.

“I do not use the restrooms here too often, but when I [do] it is nice to have something to read and get updates quick and short,” Carpenter said. “The whole point of them is to get information out to people in a place where they are going to be seen regularly and while I do not see them too often I feel like a lot of people that I do know do.”

Alec Monsen, philosophy and political science major, said he glances over the posters every once in a while but doesn’t pay too much attention.

“I think the flyers are good to have around,” Monsen said. “But if I was going with what is most effective [way to reach students], I would probably say email, especially if the email is short and concise.”

Maybe said she knows the Career News in the Loo posters are effective.

“I know students read them because a lot of students come here and ask us about, ‘how do I get this opportunity, or how do I do this, or call this person,’” Maybe said.


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Raffa is a junior communication major. He likes to slide down mountains dressed in spandex with two blanks strapped to his feet and call it alpine ski racing.

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