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How students stay active while maintaining busy schedules

Logan Tschinkel, a junior aviation major holds a plank while working out in the Health and Wellness Center at Westminster College. Tschinkel said he works out before class so that he is refreshed and energized for the day, while fitting it into his schedule. (Hannah Foley)

Time management while being in school, no matter what year a student is in, can be stressful and difficult to maintain. Classwork, projects, sports, clubs, work, etc. are variables that most students deal with to some degree.

At some point, struggling with fitting in exercise or activities that are good for a person’s health can be difficult. 

Students at Westminster College have different ways of coping with busy schedules and manage to fit exercise into their schedule.

Logan Tschinkel is a junior studying aviation who has a passion for working out and staying active. 

“Finding time to work out is always the hardest part and finding a balance between school and whatever extracurriculars you have,” Tschinkel said. “But if you can go to the gym before class, or if that is too early, go later in the day. It gets your blood flow going and makes me feel like I can do better in class.”

Tschinkel said he enjoys finding other ways to get active outside the traditional gym workouts. 

Dwain Worrell is a sophomore finance major who works part-time at the Health and Wellness Center on campus. Morrell says when he’s not running at practice for the track team, he is usually working out at the weight room. (Hannah Foley)

“I have always had a passion for climbing and think it is super fun,” Tschinkel said. “I started going to the gym more though to get stronger for my climbing and that made an impact.”

Another avid climber at Westminster, sophomore physics major Ian Surat-Mosher, said he copes with stress by being active.

“If I am stuck on a really hard problem and can’t seem to work through it, I take a break and do something active,” Surat-Mosher said. “Whether that’s the climbing wall, or going on a quick run. After doing that I can come back with a more refreshed and ready mindset than I did before.”

Some students acknowledge the gym can be overwhelming and daunting at times, especially if it has been a while. But, they say the important thing is to start somewhere — like setting small goals. 

Dwain Worrell is on the track team at Westminster and in his second year as a finance major. 

Worrell said he manages his time and efforts to get stronger by goal setting.

“Getting back on track is hard at times but you got to be strict and set little goals,” Worrell said. “Then medium, then set and try and reach those big expectations then you will eventually get used to it.”

Worrell said that’s how he gets back into shape after it’s been a while. 

“Getting back into the gym is dwindling at first,” Worrell said. “But once you get there it gets easier and easier.”  


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Hannah Foley is a junior at Westminster College. She is originally from Seattle, Washington, where yes it rains a lot. She loves working out, hanging out with friends and going to the movies. She’s passionate about music, dancing and she loves talking to new people -- and just talking in general.

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