Giovale Library has resources for students that should be utilized more, according to circulation desk worker Mitzi Farnsworth, a 47-year-old history major. Farnsworth said she has worked at the library since last February and is currently completing an internship with the archives.
“If you need a laptop, or if you need to log into the computer, or you’re trying to print something, or you need AV equipment, the library’s got it,” Farnsworth said. “It’s amazing.”
Students had the opportunity to learn about the library during the Library Fair Sept. 14, which informed students about the resources available to them, according to Katherine Tucker Paterson, the student engagement librarian.
Paterson said students should utilize the researchers at Giovale Library who are there to assist with student research.
“We have librarians assigned to basically every discipline at Westminster College that can specifically help students with the research tools that we provide,” Paterson said.
Paterson said students can access research assistance by appointment, through email and over live chat.
“You can [also] just always walk into the library and ask for help,” Paterson said.
Paterson said the 3D printer is another resource the library offers.
A 3D printer is a machine that can print three-dimensional objects from a digital file, according to The library only charges for the materials used to print the object of choice, which is 10 cents a gram, according to Paterson.
Library Circulation Specialist Brian Gregory said the 3D printer provides another resource students should take advantage of more often.
“[The student librarians] do some 3D modeling work as well, so if you have an idea [of an object for printing] they might be able to help with that,” Gregory said. “So it’s not only the physical printing but it’s the design that we can help [students] with.”
A lesser-known feature of the library is the AV room, which stands for audio-visual room, according to Mitzi Farnsworth, a 47-year-old history major and circulation desk worker. Farnsworth said the AV room, located in the basement of Giovale Library, is a place where the Westminster community can bring DVD’s and videotapes to watch.
“If you’re really tired of studying and you need a break you can go in[to] the basement and watch a movie for like an hour and no one will bother you; there’s a blanket and a couch,” Farnsworth said.

When it comes to books, if the library does not already have them, the library staff can get them, according to Farnsworth.
“We have access to every book that you could need. Like it may not come right away, but we can get it,” Farnsworth said.
Farnsworth also said Giovale Library is a great place to work and to have as a resource.
“I love it. It’s a wonderful job,” Farnsworth said. “It’s also a great way to dig into what the library has to offer in terms of research or in terms of physical things you need.”
Forum reporter Madi Goddard sat down with Mitzi Farnsworth to learn more about the resources the library offers.
The following interview has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.
Q: What is your favorite part of working in Giovale Library?
A: My favorite part is the old books that we have and the stuff in the archives. We have artifacts. We have pictures of the buildings beforehand and the area beforehand. It’s really wonderful, especially for people who are into old things.
Q: What is your least favorite part?
A:The candy machine never really seems to work. Other than that, everything else is pretty awesome. We have access to every book that you could need. It may not come right away, but we can get it.
Q: Do you have any fun stories you’d like to share?
A: Well, on Saturdays it’s very quiet here so we have been known to order pizza. There’s an AV room, so if you’re really tired of studying and you need a break you can go to the basement and watch a movie for like an hour and no one will bother you.
Q: Do you have anything to say about the 3D printer? Do you know anything about it?
A: I don’t know too much about it. I did order a throttle for my bike so that I could use it. You can print anything from it, and it’s pretty cheap. I think the only thing you need to pay for is the material they use to print it.
Q: How do you think COVID impacted the library and students coming to the library?
A: COVID impacted the frequency people used the library. It did make them need to up their game in terms of what’s digitally available, but I don’t see people using it as much as they should. They use it for printing, which they would use it for anyways, but it doesn’t see as much action until finals. That’s kind of a bummer because the library has a ton of resources for people.
Q: What are some of your goals and aspirations?
A: I was exploring what to do with my history degree afterward, and I really like the idea of either getting into museum curating or archival work. Where I help other researchers find the research that they’re looking for to help build them with their papers, books, grad work or whatever. I have a side project that I do for the library where I’m cataloging all of the books that we have on the shelves published prior to 1940 and doing that was how I realized like, ‘Oh, I definitely want to work in the archives. This is my thing. It’s definitely my thing.'”