Carissa Uresk, ASW’s speaker of the Senate, and Nicole McKenna, ASW.Events director of programming, search through the organization’s archives for key moments in ASW’s history in preparation for its 101st birthday in April. ASW’s birthday celebration will take place in the Richer Commons on April 12. Photo by Mariah Brown.
As ASW prepares to celebrate its 101st anniversary this April, the student board has been scouring its archives to find key moments in ASW’s history.
ASW President Ben Pok said he and other members of the team hope to display the archives outside ASW’s office during the celebration to show a timeline of events throughout the organization’s history.
“A lot of these things are in archives,” Pok said. “They might be in Giovale [Library]. They might be in our hard drives. So our team has been hard at work in trying to find things like old pictures of what ASW used to look like and how things used to be done.”
Pok said one particular piece of history stands out in his mind because he ran for ASW president as a first-year student.
“The last piece of constitution I have was from around the 1960s,” Pok said. “And that document says that to run for president you can’t be a freshman. So by that paper, I wouldn’t be here.”
ASW’s 101st birthday party will take place in the Richer Commons on April 12.
“It will be a pretty relaxed event,” said Carissa Uresk, ASW’s speaker of the senate. “Nothing too fancy.”
Although Pok said ASW doesn’t want the event to be large, he said they plan to provide food.
“We do want to get some food trucks there and some gelato or something suitable for the April weather,” he said.
Pok said the entire student board is helping plan the event, and every person has his or her own job.
“There are basically delegated tasks,” said Wade Lenon, director of budget and accounting. “Everybody is doing their own part.”