The Forum photography team found students at Griff’s Roost in Nightingale Hall and asked what drink or coffee they ordered and if that drink was different from their regular order.
Here’s what the students had to say:
Conner Thompson, junior aviation major
Order: Iced coffee
Is this your regular order? “I drink hot coffee usually, but it’s getting warm outside so I wanted to change it up with a cold brew.”
Levi Barrett, junior sociology major
Order: Soy Latte
Is this your regular order?
This is what I usually order every time I come to get a coffee at the Griff’s Roost.”
Christian Diaz, sophomore biology major.
Order: Amaretto three shots with soy
Is this your regular order? “No, my regular order would be a cold brew with soy, but I’m just really tired today.”
Lily Wolfe (left), sophomore communication major, and Rachel Terran (right), sophomore communication major.
Order: Black coffee
Is this your regular order? “I make coffee at home, but my friend Lily (pictured left) has a meal plan and offered to buy me a coffee today.”
Cozy Huggins, sophomore political science and public health major and resident adviser in Hogle Hall.
Order: An Italian soda
Is this your regular order? “I always order an Italian soda, it is definitely my drink of choice here at Griff’s Roost.”
Anthony Baird, first-year business major.
Order: Mocha
Is this your regular order? “I drink coffee everyday, usually black coffee but today I thought I’d change it up a little bit.”
Kelsie Leonardson, first-year psychology major.
Order: Hot vanilla latte with some cocoa powder
Is this your regular order? “I don’t change my order much, I usually get a vanilla latte with a hint of cocoa powder to make it a little sweeter.”
Jordan Dyett, sophomore political science and economics major.
Order: Blended ice mocha
Is this your regular order? “On a regular basis I get a black Americano, but the weather made me want to try something new and the barista told me about this drink so I thought I would try it out.”
Broc Waring, senior communication major.
Order: Black coffee
Is this your regular order? “I switch between a small and medium hot french roast with honey and a little almond milk”
Annissa Maresco, sophomore biology major.
Order: Iced sandstorm
Is this your regular order? “I usually make coffee at home and bring it to class, but today I just wanted something cold because of the nice weather.”