Eric Watson, assistant director of admission operations, goes up for a shot at the Noon Hoops program. Faculty members can bond over (or just get some exercise) at Noon Hoops, which happens every Thursday in Payne Gymnasium. Photo by Rachel Robertson
Westminster leaders are growing as a team, literally.
Faculty and staff bond over a little fun on the basketball court. Thursdays at noon, any faculty and staff members of Westminster College are invited to shoot a few hoops in Payne Gymnasium.
“This is something that happens on and off every few years, and this year we decided to try to make it happen again,” said Traci Siriprathane, director of fitness, wellness and recreation. “It’s just a matter of getting the word out to faculty and staff to come play Noon Hoops.”
Noon Hoops is not a club or a team. This is for anyone who works at Westminster that wants to show up and play some ball.
“This is a pretty casual and informal group,” said Mark Ferne, dean of students. “Last week, we had seven people and this week we have eight.”
Siriprathane and Ferne agree that Noon Hoops is a great way for faculty and staff of Westminster to reach out and get to know each other.
“It builds teamwork and it gives you a chance to meet other people that you might not work with on campus,” Siriprathane said.
Students are taught a set of college-wide learning goals during their career at Westminster, three of which are leadership, collaboration and teamwork. Ferne said faculty and staff strive to set examples of those goals for their students.
“I never knew they were ‘bonding’ outside of the classroom,” said Ashleigh Pulpisher, alumna (‘15). “I did, however, have one teacher who threw a ‘family’ party. The professor wasn’t bonding with other educators, but she was creating a safe and fun learning environment for her students.”
As influential members of the community at Westminster, this is just one way faculty and staff are guiding students.
Noon Hoops takes place Thursdays at noon in Payne Gym. All faculty and staff are invited to show up ready to have a good time.