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Welcoming the class of 2019

The incoming class of 2019 represents nine countries and 31 states. This class comes from as far as Cambodia to as close as Salt Lake City. Students came from far and wide with interests and hobbies just as diverse as their homes. Photos courtesy Office of Communication and Marketing

The incoming class of 2019 represents nine countries and 31 states. This class comes from as far as Cambodia to as close as Salt Lake City. Students came from far and wide with interests and hobbies just as diverse as their homes. Photos courtesy Office of Communication and Marketing

More than 470 first-year students will call Westminster College home for the 2018–2019 academic year with new opportunities this fall.

This year, Westminster College attracted 56 percent of its students from Utah and 44 percent from out-of-state. Not only are students coming from America, but also all the way from Europe to attend school in the United States. More than 98 percent of the class received financial aid.

Westminster has been preparing move-in day in advance and was finally ready to welcome the incoming class of 2019 on Aug. 14.

Hayden Fake, a first-year from Telluride, Colorado, had the chance to visit Westminster beforehand and knew at that point it was the right school for him.

Q: Why Westminster?

A: I visited a lot of schools and none of them really felt like the right fit for me before one of my friends told me to take a look at Westminster College. When I first visited, I immediately knew this was the right place for me.

Q: What is the one thing you had to bring with you to college?

A: My bikes. I’m really into both mountain and road biking. I have been able to go for some bike rides and I am already learning new roads every time, which makes Utah an even more enjoyable experience for me.”

Student volunteers help move the incoming class members of 2019 into their new home for the year, Hogle Hall. Students lugged luggage, bikes, mini fridges and more into the halls on Aug. 14.

Student volunteers help move the incoming class members of 2019 into their new home for the year, Hogle Hall. Students lugged luggage, bikes, mini fridges and more into the halls on Aug. 14.

Q:What is your least favorite thing about campus?

“Hearing about students’ stories about getting their bikes stolen already on the first day of school.”

Jordan Duffy, a first-year student and snowboarder from Clinton, Maine, said he is excited about his first week of school as well as joining the snowboard team at Westminster.

Q: Why Westminster?

A: I heard about the small classes Westminster has to offer and the relationship you are able to build with your professor. Not only did the classes draw my attention, but also the mountains. Salt Lake City is known as ‘Mecca’ (the holiest city in Islam) for snowboarding.

Q: What was the scariest part about starting college?

A: I am having a hard time being social and putting myself out there. I grew up in a small town in Maine where everyone knows everyone, which makes it difficult for me to meet new people.

Q: What is the one thing you had to bring with you to college?

A: I would say my slackline. I like being outside and, so far, it has been fun to almost put it up everywhere I go.

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