Photo by Rachel Robertson
Welcome back to school, Griffins!
College can be a time of partying, education, experimentation, discovery and the like. However, a lot of the time, it can be spent studying. To make these moments less painful, here are five locations for future cram sessions.
1.) Giovale Library
There are multiple areas in this building that can fit to students’ specific study needs.
Students can reserve entire study rooms up to six hours a week. If these are booked, there is also the general study area on the top floor filled with couches and tables.
The entire area is deemed a “quiet zone,” so that crammers can get the silence they need. On this floor, there are also smaller areas for single-person study use. On the main floor, the library is equipped with computers and group work areas for students to collaborate in.
The library also has, of course, resourceful books and databases to help with whatever work is being completed.
To reserve a study room, visit westminstercollege.edu/library.
2.) Malmsten Amphitheater/Emigration Creek
Library too stuffy? Right outside of the building is Emigration Creek, surrounded by trees and other flora.
The Malmsten Amphitheater provides seating that overlooks the nature-filled area. Other outdoor areas include the Village Green by the residence halls or Richer Commons outside of the Shaw Student Center.
“I can focus better when doing my homework outside,” said Brittany Punjabi, senior communication major. “It’s not too noisy compared to being inside Shaw. It’s also just comfortable to sit out there.”
3.) Bassis Center for Student Learning
The recently renovated building provides a large amount of tables and luxury lounge chairs for group work.
Inside, there is the ePortfolio studio as well as the Writing Center, a program where students of all writing disciplines can get help with their work at any part of the writing process.
Also inside Bassis is Griff’s Roost, a café and coffee shop. During the winter time, the building can get extra cozy with leather chairs placed around the roaring fireplace at the west end of the building.
4.) Payne Gymnasium
For all of those student-athletes out there, study time can be sparse in between practice, competition, and class.
Inside Payne is a separate area for studying and homework sessions.
“It’s a great place to work in between classes,” said Joaquin Mixco, alumnus. “It’s quiet and has everything you need.”
5.) Good Ol’ Fashion Coffee Shops
In the Sugar House area, Westminster students can avail themselves to a variety of locations to study at—namely, coffee shops.
Students have the option of choosing to cram nearby at Sugar House Coffee, Tea Grotto, Coffee Garden, Karma Cafe, Java Jo’s, Red Moose Cafe, Beans & Brews, Starbucks and the list goes on.
Many times, students can get a discount on java if they flash their Westminster I.D., too.
Studying can be considered a necessary evil, but students can make it less miserable if they find their own special spot to write those last few paragraphs or memorize that pile of flashcards.
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