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Get physical with Westminster’s personal trainers

Members of Westminster’s Dolores Eccles Health, Wellness and Athletic Center exercise on the facility’s top level. Westminster’s personal trainers utilize the equipment in HWAC to build fitness programs that are personalized to the fitness levels and goals of their individual clients.  Photo by Madison Wood

Griffins who are looking to stay fit this winter have more options than just hitting the slopes. Westminster offers personal training at competitive prices in the Dolores Eccles Health, Wellness and Athletic Center.

“I wish people utilized it more,” said Anthony Perryman, first-year student and personal trainer at Westminster College. “To normally get a trainer that’s certified at the level we’re required to be, it’s going to cost you.”

Perryman and Garrett Schnoonover are Westminster’s on-staff personal trainers. The two are nationally certified and offer one-hour fitness sessions tailored to their clients.

Eighteen sessions with an HWAC personal trainer costs $24 per session. The hourly rate for a comparable trainer at the local 24-Hour Fitness will cost more than twice that at about $58 if you buy 24 sessions, according to the 24-Hour Fitness website.

“I wish people utilized it more. To normally get a trainer that’s certified at the level we’re required to be, it’s going to cost you.” — Anthony Perryman, personal trainer

Training at HWAC is offered in sessions of one, six, 12, or 18. Buying more sessions provides a deeper discount. Students who who want to share their time with another member can save even more. Eighteen “buddy sessions” costs just $18 per session, per person.

“It’s an addiction once you get started,” Perryman said. “[Personal training] is just that initial push to workout, and that’s the hardest thing about working out: that initial push.”

Even those who are already working out can benefit from personal training, according to Perryman.

“If someone works out in the gym by themselves, they aren’t going to get out of their comfort zone,” he said. “So my job may not be fun, but it’s to break them down so they can become better.”

No matter what fitness level clients come to him in, Perryman said the process is the same.

“During that first session, I sit them down and spend a good half hour talking about their goals and their level of fitness,” Perryman said. “I’m never there to judge an individual because everyone has different fitness levels, but we do a quick workout.”

Then, Perryman says he molds a program around his client.

“If they can only come one time a week, I’m going to make that one time a pain in the ass,” Perryman laughed.

He said even with personal training, people don’t notice the results themselves until about eight weeks.

“It’s a long time.” Perryman said. “People don’t see it right away and it discourages and really frustrates them, but after you hit that mark, you’ll start noticing things all the time.”

Appointments with Perryman and Schoonover are flexible. To find more information or schedule an appointment, go online or visit HWAC.

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